Creating Consumers

Let’s assume you have an amqp message which will be published when an order has been created. This message has the routing key order-created with the payload {"order_id": $SOME_ID}. In this example we create a consumer which sends an email to the customer when this message will be published.

First of all, you have to create a PHP class which represents this message:

namespace My\Consumer;

use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\Type;
use Rebuy\Amqp\Consumer\Message\MessageInterface;

class OrderCreatedMessage implements MessageInterface
     * @Type("integer")
     * @var int
    public $orderId;

    public static function getRoutingKey()
        return 'order-created';


Since this library uses the jms/serializer component to deserialize the payload for all messages, we have to define a @Type for the property $orderId.

With this message we are able to create our consumer which will send an email to the customer:

class OrderConsumer
    private $orderService;
    private $emailService;

    public function __construct($orderService, $emailService)
        $this->orderService = $orderService;
        $this->emailService = $emailService;

     * @Consumer(name="order-created-send-email")
    public function sendMail(OrderCreatedMessage $message)
        $order = $this->orderService->loadOrder($message->orderId);


You can create multiple consumers which consume the same message, but they must use a different name, otherwise an ConsumerException is thrown.

Now that you have created a consumer, you can go on to the next section and create the consumer manager